Sunday 25 November 2007

Technical Analysis - Nick

Track: Recover
Artist: The Automatic

0.01 - location shot focused on a bench in a park.
0.05 - women sits on a bench.
0.08 - MCU shot on the women on the bench reading a book.
0.10 - Shot fades to flash and a white screen and the women on the bench is standing in front of a black background.
0.13 - Camera withdraws from the CU on women's face.
0.16 - First MS of the band playing their instruments and singing.
0.19 - MS Shot cuts back to the women lying on the bench in the park seemingly unconscious.
0.21 - CU of women on black background camera pulls back.
0.25 - CU shots of a body on the ground. Whole shot in dark but flash of light on body parts as they are shown. Fast cuts between each flash.
0.33 - CU of a man running towards the women on the bench.
0.36 - Black screen removes to show the band playing their instruments in a MS.
0.38 - Fast CU cuts between band members playing their instruments.
0.52 - MCU of lead singer.
0.54 - Image fades away to a black screen.
0.56 - Women appears in distance dressed in white with dancers.
1.02 - Cut to band playing in the dark with spotlight upon them.
1.07 - Camera pans from shot of the band 180 degrees to shot of dancers.
1.10 - Camera pans back to the band.
1.17 - Low angle MS of the band playing.
1.23 - Cuts to shot of band facing away from the camera on a white background. All enter from the side of the shot on at a time. Lead singer is only one facing camera whilst other members slowly turn to face camera.
1.30 - CU on each band member as they turn to face camera.
1.38 - MS on ban together again.
1.41 - Band exit shot from the side leaving a figure in the distance dressed in white.
1.43 - Cuts back to park with a shot of a dog approaching the camera and goes to the women on the bench.
1.51 - Image cuts back to the drummer in a different location.
1.53 - Camera withdraws and a CU of dancers with masks on with drummer in background.
1.55 - Band playing with the dancers in front of them.

This video by The Automatic is of a similiar style to what Jimi and I are going to produce for our music video as it is a performance/narrative video. During my analysis of this video I have learnt what key elements and techniques that I should be looking to include within the video we will be producing. Throughout this video in the performance sections there are a lot of CU and ECU used on the band and in particular the lead singer. Moreover the MS of the band playing their instruments was also frequently repeated shot throughout the video and these performance shots should definately be considered to be within our video. Moreover it was evident that all the cuts were in time with the song and shots were never long before they cut to another image and therefore we need to make sure that there are no lingering shots where the camera shot is not changing.

1 comment:

c_fernandez said...

Good - be specific; how many seconds did the shots last on average?. Any comments on mise-en-scene? Also - camera movement?

Worth adding these comments to your conclusion