Thursday 22 November 2007

Technical Analysis

Bloc Party - Hunting for witches

In total there are 197 shots in the video and the cuts are all fast except for the start where each shot fades into the next. In total 65 shots are of the lead singer, Kele Okereke, of the Sixty eight, twenty seven are close ups and nine are extreme close ups the rest are either medium shots of just him or of him with another band member. The other band members do not get as many close ups but do get alot of camera shots. Infact each of the other band members get nine close ups, except the bassist who gets eight, although they are not all of there faces many are simply of them playing there instruments. In all there are 25 shots which include the whole band playing together although there are other shots of three members. The drum kit also gets a lot of attention especially the band name at the start and end on the bass drum possibly an advertising technique, the guitars also get alot of close ups whilst being played to add a sense of reality to the video as if they were not shown playing it might harm there image as being able to play their instruments. As the background is just black there is no Mise en scene, other than the instruments. There are various different camera angles used mainly angled down at the band, the main evidence can be seen at the start as the camera starts at a high angle and zooms in. There are also angles when the bassist and guitarist are playing the camera points down to show them from shoulders down playing. another example is when the camera is almost directly above the drum kit showing the drummer playing. As the video is completely performance based it limits the amount of shots there can be and various shots are repeated throughout the video, especially of the drum kit, guitars and the close ups of Kele (lead singer) are basically exactly the same, maybe some of the shots where only taken once and have been repeated within the video.

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